Am Samstag, den 20. März geben wir eine Lecture beim interdisziplinären Virtual Station Festival Seoul – needless to say, dass wir eigentlich hätten hinfliegen sollen und eine Performance live zeigen, dies aber coronabedingt abgesagt wurde. Wir werden die Lecture nun nutzen, Einblicke in unsere neue Arbeit A scroll through the Garden of Tangled Data zu geben, die kurz darauf im Rahmen des Spy on me #3 Festivals am HAU gezeigt wird – online.
Mit der Performance True You (we know how you feel) sind wir dann für den Herbst leibhaftig nach Korea eingeladen. Well … let’s keep our fingers crossed.

Das Mission Statement der Virtual Station:
Body, time, space, city, community—these concepts that comprise the core agenda of contemporary art and critical thinking were born in modernity. Today, they are going through a radical metamorphosis through the rapid development of technology. The ecology of relationships where subjectivity had comfortably resided is destroyed and a new web of information is replacing the body and desire. The sense of time and space are fragmented and exchanged for flat information. Information functions as capital. While public spaces continue to sink deeply into the speed of the capital, what can art do?
If art can play a role for the public space, perhaps it is to create a public arena where such discourses can actively and openly take place, inviting artists to suggest perspectives and agendas that help us to view the world through a sharper and more critical lens.
‹Virtual Station› reflects technology from the ruins of modernity. The festival peers into the trajectories of change triggered by technology and discovers seeds of new senses that leap beyond the obsolete myth.
Die Lecture und das anschließende Q&A wurden aufgezeichnet. Achtung: Das Video beginnt erst nach 37’35 Minuten, also vorspulen.